Today we’re going to be answering another common question that people have been asking about Delta 8 THC. We want to clarify how Delta 8 THC is created. We’ve been answering quite a few questions for those of you who want to continue with the education process because getting educated is empowerment and when you are empowered you can make conscious wise decisions.
The Question is… Is Delta eight THC Synthetic?
We pulled up google to get a standard definition and it states: a substance made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product.
Which leads us to another deviation to look up chemical synthesis, Chemical synthesis’ according to Wikipedia, states; In chemistry, chemical synthesis means using chemical reactions to get a product or several products. This happens by physical and chemical manipulations. Often several different chemical reactions are used one after another. In modern laboratory usage, a chemical synthesis is reproducible.
So, if an experiment is done a second time it will have the same results as the first time, reliable, not broken by small changes in conditions because of course, you can only have so many varying conditions when you’re running an experiment and it is established to work in multiple laboratories.
Let us sum all that up for you…
The answer is NO!!! Delta eight THC is not chemically synthesized because we just went over the definition of synthetic and chemical synthesis. Delta 8 THC is actually derived directly from CBD rich plants.
Concentrated amounts of Delta eight THC are typically manufactured from hemp derived cannabinoid aka CBD, naturally grown in the ground with the sun… Yes you could use artificial lighting, but there is still no process that’s been done in a laboratory to create Delta 8 THC so you don’t have to worry about any of that, remember that our bodies have cannabinoid receptors in them for a reason. Once again, to re-cap, Delta 8 THC is naturally produced in hemp derived cannabinoid CBD plants. There’s no laboratory. There’s no chemical process to make and create Delta 8. It’s all natural. We hope that answered that question for you guys. Starting with a few definitions helps all of us get on the same page. So we can be clear and educate ourselves. Have a great day and stay tuned for the next questions we will be answering.